Does a whole body 18F FDG PETCT imaging have an incremental value in differentiated thyroid cancer patients with TENIS syndrome ? (#777)

PADMA SUBRAMANYAM 1 , Shanmuga Sundaram 1
  1. Amrita Institute Of Medical Sciences, Cochin, Kerala, India


Treated cases of Differentiated thyroid cancer(DTC) with Thyroglobulin(Tg) elevated, negative whole body I131 scan (TENIS) needs further evaluation.


To determine if 18FDG PETCT WB imaging is useful in predicting occult disease in DTC patients with TENIS.


51 treated DTC patients (post thyroidectomy, I131 therapy) having negative WB I131 scan but elevated stimulated Tg ( > 10 ng/ml) were enrolled for 18FDG PETCT (TSH  >30uIU/ml). Based on PET findings, patients had empirical I131 therapy/TKI or surgical exploration. Patients were followed up for 12 months. Correlation between FDG PETCT and Tg levels done and a threshold for Tg above which highest predictive value of PETCT determined.


Patient age, sex, histology, tumour size, extrathyroid extension, focality, N stage correlated  and found to have not significantly associated with positive FDG PETCT results (P > 0.05). AntiTgAb levels found to be statistically significant in predicting positive PET findings (P < 0.05). Compared with TgAb level <150 IU/mL, univariate regression analysis showed that Odd Ratio value of TgAb level ≥ 150 IU/mL at diagnosis and span for progressively increased TgAb level were as much as 4.18 [CI:1.52–11.54] and 3.60 [CI:1.24–10.41] times for progressively increased TgAb level.

A threshold Tg value of > 25ng/ml found to predict highest PET positive disease burden

PET positive loco regional recurrence in 16%, pulmonary parenchymal lesions in 34 % & 3% skeletal lesions were found.  Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and diagnostic accuracy of PET to predict recurrence at follow-up were 68.8, 78.3, 86.8, 54.5 and 71.9%, respectively. Sensitivity, accuracy and PPV of PET increased with increasing Tg levels.


Our study shows that FDG PETCT is incremental in identification and predicting recurrence in DTC with TENIS syndrome. Predictive value of PET was highest at Tg > 25ng/ml with sensitivity of 76.2%, specificity of 100% to detect recurrence.