Daniel R McKeating ESA-SRB-AOTA 2019

Daniel R McKeating

Daniel McKeating is a final year PhD student at Griffith university working under supervisors Professor Anthony Perkins and Dr. William Bennett. His work focuses on the characterisation of elemental metabolomics during gestation. Specifically, looking how elements that circulate in maternal and fetal systems correlate with pregnancy outcomes such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm, and small for gestational age births. There are three key aspects to this study: (1) characterising maternal elemental nutrition across gestation from pre-pregnancy until birth, (2) highlighting significant observations that are associated with negative pregnancy outcomes, and (3) using these changes as a means to predict gestational disorders through the use of bioinformatics. The ultimate aim of this research is to find new markers for prognosis of pregnancy, and novel means of intervention through elemental nutrition.

Abstracts this author is presenting: