Peter J Leedman ESA-SRB-AOTA 2019

Peter J Leedman

Peter Leedman is the Director of the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in Perth, Head of the Perkins Laboratory for Cancer Medicine and Professor of Medicine at the University of Western Australia. He trained in endocrinology at Royal Melbourne Hospital before completing his PhD at WEHI and a Post-Doc in a Howard Hughes Institute at Harvard Medical School. He has a long-term interest in RNA biology, ncRNAs and how this information can be harnessed for therapeutics in poor prognostic tumors (head and neck, prostate, melanoma and liver cancer). His team has identified key functional and therapeutic roles for a number of microRNAs and uncovered several new members of a complex network of RNA-binding nuclear receptor hormone coregulators. He co-founded miReven, a company established to commercialise microRNA-7 as a replacement therapy for cancer, and is driving this initiative towards an early phase clinical trial in patients with liver cancer. He is also Chairman of Linear Clinical Research Ltd, an award-winning company specializing in early phase clinical trials, with a focus on cancer, and which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Harry Perkins Institute.

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